Consumer financing can be a powerful, transforming tool for quickly getting more customers and growing your business


3 WAYS to QUICKLY Increase Sales & Cash Flow With Consumer Financing

1) Sell a portion (or all) of your consumer installment contract portfolio (including performing, sub-performing, and non-performing debt) for quick cash.

2) Partner with a capable consumer contracts servicer to service your portfolio for the sake of making better use of your company’s expertise and resources (including time).  A capable servicer can help boost cash flow and earnings by professionally working with customers for quicker payments (i.e., better cash flow for your company) and to help minimize customer fallout.

3) Partner with a capable, third-party funding source for selling consumer contracts individually as new sales are made.


Stop Losing Customers Needlessly

Even businesses that already offer financing to their customers can lose a significant amount of potential customers.

This is often due to not having the right backup or secondary lender (s) in place to capture and convert a good portion of rejected applications into approvals.

Consequently, this can result in damaging earning potential and bottom line profits when this need not be the case at all!

To remedy, we strongly recommend having at least one alternate source to finance customers with challenged credit so you can minimize lost potential business and maximize your marketing efforts and resources.

An added benefit of this strategy can be increased morale with your sales team, thus helping your company increase the retention rate of its team members.

Since we are well-connected in this market, we can offer a complimentary review of your current programs for any potential weaknesses or room for improvement.  You might be surprised…

Then, if a backup or secondary lender is needed to fill in gaps, we can help identify and put one in place for you, so you can start capturing more business immediately.

Tapping into our network and knowledge of “who does what” can help save your business a lot of time and frustration that is often part of the “trial and error” process.  Or, we can even aim to introduce you to a lender that isn’t always that well-known or easily found. We have the connections and welcome you to take advantage!

If, however, your current lender and programs are sufficient and strong, we can simply try to help confirm this for you, so that you can have more peace of mind.



Our programs accommodate prime, near-prime, and sub-prime (or bad credit) borrowers.



To learn more about how consumer financing could help your business grow and customer base as quickly as possible, reach out now.

Please know that we will do our best to analyze your specific situation and help.

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